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NOUN Study Materials For School of Arts and Social Sciences Students

100 Level
1 ARA 013 Arabic Literature
2 ARA 089- ISL 087 Project
3 ISL 001 Introduction to Quran
4 ISL 067 Introduction to the Study of Hadith
5 FRE 011 Aural and Oral Expression I
6 FRE 012 Aural and Oral Expression
7 FRE 017 Francophone Civilization
8 CTH 001 Religion and Society
9 CTH 003 Introduction to the Study of Religion
10 CTH 007 Old Testament Survey
11 CTH 011 Bible Geography
12 CTH 005 Church History
13 CTH 009 Introduction to Philosophy
14 CTH 013 Introduction to Study of Islam
15 CTH 014 Marriage and Family
16 CTH 034 Marriage and Family
17 CTH 041 Christian Ethnics
18 CTH 043 Philosophy of Religion
19 CTH 055 The Prophets
20 CTH 053 Greek Grammar
21 CTH 057 Christian Counseling
22 CTH 058 Greek Syntax
23 CTH 071 Christianity in Nigeria
24 ECO 121 Principle of Economics
25 ECO 122 Principle of Economics II
26 ECO 146 Nigerian Economy in Perspective
27 ECO 153 Introduction to Quantitative Method I
28 ECO 154 Introduction to Quantitative methods II
29 ENG 121 The Structure of Modern English I
30 ENG 151 Introduction to English as a Second Language
31 ENG 111 An introduction to Literature and Literary Criticism
32 ENG 122 The Structure of Modern English II
33 ENG 113 Introduction to Nigerian Literature I
34 ENG 114 Introduction to Nigerian Literature II
35 ENG 141 Spoken English
36 ENG 161 Theatre Workshop
37 ENG 162 Elements of Drama
38 ENG 172 Introduction to Poetry
39 ENG 181 Introduction to Prose Fiction
40 FRE 010 Written Expression II
41 FRE 014 Francophone Civilization II
42 FRE 022 Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology
43 FRE 024 Francophone Civilization II
44 FRE 101 Basic French Grammar and Composition I
45 FRE 102 Basic French Grammar and Composition II
46 FRE 111 Language Laboratory Work / Oral French
47 FRE 112 Oral and Aural Comprehension
48 FRE 121 French Grammar I
49 FRE 122 French Grammar II
50 FRE 131 Introduction to Textual Analysis
51 FRE 132 Introduction to Textual Analysis II
52 FRE 141 Introduction to Composition Writing In French
53 FRE 152 Introduction to french Culture and Civilization
54 FRE 162 Intro. to Francophone African Culture and Civilization
55 GST 106 Study Skills
56 JLS 111 Introduction to Journalism
57 ISL 101 General Introduction to Islam
58 ISL 102 The Mosque in Islam
59 ISL 111 Studies on the Qur’an
60 ISL 121 Studies on the Hadith
61 ISL 113 Quranic Ethics
62 ISL 132 Advanced Study of Salat and Zakat
63 ISL 136 Women in Islam
64 ISL 142 Islam and Inter- Religious Dialogue
65 LIN 111 Introduction to Linguistics I
66 LIN 112 Introduction to Linguistics II
67 CSS 111 Introduction to Sociology
68 CSS 152 Introduction to Nigerian Criminal Law
69 CSS 121 Introduction to Psychology
70 CSS 131 Introduction to Political Science
71 CSS 112 Sociology of Law
72 CSS 132 Ethnography of Nigeria
73 CSS 133 Introduction to Criminology I
74 CSS 134 Geography of Nigeria
75 CSS 136 Introduction to Criminology II
76 CTH 101 Introduction to The Study of Islam
77 CTH 102 The Major Religious Groups in Nigeria
78 CTH 113 Bible Geography
79 CTH 122 Types of Theology
80 CTH 131 Introduction to Philosophy
81 CTH 141 Church History I
82 CTH 142 Church History II
83 CTH 192 Introduction to African Traditional Religion
84 CTH 173 Introduction to the Study of Religion
85 CTH 111 Old Testament Survey
86 CTH 151 Religion and Society
87 CTH 152 Marriage and Family
88 ARA 181 Basic Arabic
89 ARA 182 Arabic Reading I
90 ARA 183 Arabic Conversation
91 INR 111 Introduction to International Studies
92 INR 112 Intro to inter. Law and Diplomacy in Pre-colonial Africa
93 INR 121 The Structure of International System
94 INR 131 Intro. to Textual Analysis I
95 INR 132 Africa and The West
96 INR 142 Introduction to Public Administration
97 PCR 111 Introduction to Peace Studies
98 PCR 113 Introduction to Peace Education
99 PCR 112 Democracy and Good Governance
100 PCR 115 Introduction to Conflict Resolution Processes I
101 PCR 114 Introduction to Conflict Resolution Processes II
102 POL 106 Road Safty and Highway Traffic Administration
103 POL 111 Element of Political Science
104 POL 121 Introduction to African Politics
105 POL 123 Introduction to Public Administration
106 POL 124 Organisation of Government
107 POL 126 Citizens and The State
108 POS 102 Police Community Relations and Interpersonal Relations and Awareness
109 POS 105 Introduction to Police Science
110 POS 108 Police Science and Forensic Science
111 POS 110 Criminal Justice Administration
112 MAC 111 Introduction to Mass Communication
113 MAC 113 History of Nigerian Mass Media
114 MAC 115 African Communication Systems I
115 MAC 116 African communication System II
116 MAC 117 Writing for the Mass Media I
117 MAC 118 Writing for Mass Media II
118 MAC 121 Introduction to News Writing and Reporting
119 MAC 134 Principles and Practice of Public relations
120 MAC 142 Introduction to Radio and Television
121 INR 106 Africa and the West
122 ISL 172 As-Sirah: Biography of Prophet Muhammad
200 Level
123 ARA 281 Arabic Literature I
124 ARA 282 Arabic Grammar I
125 ARA 283 Arabic Reading II
126 ARA 284 Translation (Arabic – English)
127 CSS 204 Introduction to Political Science
128 CSS 211 The Sociology Of Crime And Delinquency
129 CSS 212 The Sociology of Punishment and Correction
130 CSS 231 Methods of Social Research
131 CSS 241 Basic Security and Security Threat
132 CSS 243 Principles of Security Practice and Management
133 CSS 242 Measurement and Patterns of Crime and Delinquency
134 CSS 244 Types of Analysis of Security Threat
135 CSS 245 Security planning, Development and Organisation
136 CSS 246 Legal and Social Framework of Private Security
137 CTH 202 Comparative Study of Religions
138 CTH 211 Introduction to the Bible
139 CTH 210 History and Religion of Israel
140 CTH 212 Pentateuch
141 CTH 213 Synoptic Gospels
142 CTH 214 Paulines Epistles
143 CTH 215 Greek Grammar
144 CTH 216 Greek Syntax
145 CTH 217 The Prophets
146 CTH 218 Biblical Hermeneutics
147 CTH 222 Christian Doctrines
148 CTH 233 Philosophy of Religion
149 CTH 261 Christian Counseling
150 CTH 231 Christian Ethics
151 CTH 271 Christianity in Nigeria
152 CTH 272 Ecumenism
153 ECO 203 Statistics for Economics
154 ECO 207 Nigerian Economy In Perspective II
155 ECO 231 Microeconomic Theory I
156 ECO 232 Microeconomic Theory II
157 ECO 247 Nigerian Economy in Perspective II
158 ECO 253 Statistics for Economists
159 ECO 254 Statistics for Economists II
160 ECO 255 Mathematics for Economists I
161 ECO 256 Mathematics for Economists II
162 ENG 211 History of English Language
163 ENG 212 Creative Writing 1
164 ENG 215 Medieval Literature I
165 ENG 216 Medieval Literature II
166 ENG 221 An Introduction to Syntactic Models
167 ENG 222 Advanced English Syntax
168 ENG 223 Advanced English composition 1
169 ENG 224 Advanced English Composition II
170 ENG 226 English Morphology
171 ENG 241 Introduction To Phonetics and Phonology of English
172 ENG 251 Language and Society
173 ENG 281 The African Novel
174 FRE 212 Advanced Oral French
175 FRE 207 Culture and Civilization of France
176 FRE 211 Advanced Study in Oral and written Comprehension
177 FRE 222 French Grammar and Composition 11
178 FRE 221 French Grammar and Composition I
179 FRE 231 Introduction to French Phonology
180 FRE 271 Intro. to francophone African Literature Written in French
181 FRE 282 Introduction to French Literature(Prose,Poetry and Drama)
182 MAC 211 Theories of Mass Communication
183 MAC 212 Media and Society
184 MAC 213 Foundations of Communinication Research
185 MAC 214 Investigative and Interpretative Reporting
186 MAC 221 Editing and graphics of Communication
187 MAC 223 Feature And Magazine Article Writing
188 MAC 225 News Writing and Reporting
189 MAC 232 Environmental Public Relations
190 MAC 242 Foundation of Broadcasting
191 MAC 246 Educational Broadcasting
192 NSS 217 Introduction to Sociology 1
193 INR 206 Introduction to Foreign Policy
194 INR 211 International Law & Diplomacy in Europe in the 19th Century
195 INR 221 History and Practice of Diplomacy
196 INR 212 International Law and Diplomacy in The 20th Century
197 INR 222 Europe from the French Revolution to the World Wars
198 INR 231 South-South Cooperation
199 INR 232 Introduction to Foreign Policy
200 INR 242 Pre-Colonial African Diplomacy
INR 251 Evolution of Modern International System
201 ISL 212 Introduction to Tajwiid
202 ISL 213 Textual Study of the Qur’an
203 ISL 214 Textual Study of the Quran II
204 ISL 241 Prophethood and Prophets in Islam
205 ISL 245 Ilmu ‘l-kalam and Development of Muslim Firaq
206 ISL 222 Textual Studies of the Hadith
207 ISL 231 Introduction to the Shariah
208 ISL 271 The Rightly Guided Caliphs and the Umayyads
209 ISL 272 The Abbasid Caliphate
210 PCR 211 Education for Peace
211 PCR 261 Culture,Values and Conflicts in War
212 PCR 271 Understanding Conflict and War
213 PCR 272 Concepts and Practice of Peacebuilding
214 PCR 274 Introduction to Conflict Transformation
215 PCR 276 Perception and Conflict
216 POL 215 History of Political Thought I
217 POL 216 Evolution of Nigerian Local Government
218 POL 223 Foundation of political Economy
219 POL 221 Nigerian Government and Politics I
220 POL 211 Nigerian Legal System
221 POL 212 Basic Statistics for Social Science
222 POL 214 Introduction to Political Analysis
223 POL 226 Organisation and Administrative Theories
224 POL 228 Introduction to Comparative Politics
225 POL 231 Essentials of international Relations and Diplomacy
226 POS 214 Basic Elements of Criminal Investigation
300 Level
227 ARA 381 Arabic Morphorlogy
228 ARA 382 Arabic Grammar II
229 ARA 383 English – Arabic Translation
230 CSS 341 Policing and Law Enforcement in Nigeria
231 CSS 342
232 CSS 343 Information Systems Security Management
233 CSS 351 Prisons and Correction of Offenders in Nigeria
234 CSS 352 Theory of Crime and Crime Control
235 CSS 354 Special Categories of Offenders
236 CSS 356 Traditional and Informal Mechanisms of Crime Control
237 CSS 361 Juvenile Institutions & Juvenile Correction in Nigeria
238 CSS 371 Courts and Justice Administration in Nigeria
239 CSS 381 Domestic Violence
240 CTH 302 Messianism
241 CTH 311 Gospel of John
242 CTH 313 Hebrew Grammar
243 CTH 314 Inter-Testamental Literature
244 CTH 316 Hebrew Syntax
245 CTH 321 God and Revelation
246 CTH 323 Old Testament Theology
247 CTH 324 New Testament Theology
248 CTH 352 Sociology of Religion
249 ECO 314 Operations Research
250 ECO 324 History of Economic Thought
251 ECO 341 Macro Economic Theory I
252 ECO 342 Macro Economic Theory II
253 ECO 346 Financial Institutions
254 ECO 347 Development Economics I
255 FRE 301 Theories of Translation
256 FRE 304 African Literature in French
257 FRE 322 Advance Studies in French Language Structure II
258 FRE 331 Advanced Studies in French Phonetics
259 FRE 372 Advanced Studies in Preindependence Francophone African
Literature Written in French (Prose and Drama)
260 FRE 381 Advanced Studies in French,17th Century Literature (Prose and Grammar)
261 FRE 382 18TH Century French Literature
262 FRE 392 Advanced Studies in Translation
263 ENG 311 Research Methods
264 ENG 312 Creative Writing II
265 ENG 313 Black Diaspora Literature
266 ENG 314 Public Speaking
267 ENG 316 Communication for Business
268 ENG 321 Contemporary English Usage
269 ENG 331 Introduction to Semantics
270 ENG 341 The Phonology of English
271 ENG 351 Introduction to Applied Linguistics
272 ENG 352 Discourse Analysis
273 ENG 353 The English Language in Nigeria
274 ENG 355 Introduction to Sociolinguistics
275 ENG 362 English Drama
276 ENG 372 English Poetry
277 ENG 381 English Novel
278 NSS 312 Primary Health Care Nursing II
279 MAC 312 Newspaper Production
280 MAC 313 Critical Writing and Reviewing
281 MAC 314 Issues in Nigerian Mass Media
282 MAC 316 Mass Communication & National Development
MAC 321 Economics of Mass News Reporting
283 MAC 322 Editorial Writing
MAC 323 Photojournalism
284 MAC 331 Advertising Campaign Planning & Execution
285 MAC 332 Advertising Layouts and Designs
286 MAC 334 International Public Relations
287 MAC 341 Dev. Journalism and Broadcasting (Dev. Communication)
MAC 343 Radio/TV Programming
288 INR 312 American Diplomacy in the 20th Century
289 INR 321 Foreign Policy Analysis
290 INR 322 Strategic Studies in The 20th Century
291 INR 332 War and Peace in West Africa since 1960
292 INR 342 Southern Africa in Global Politics
293 INR 351 Europe in World Politics
294 INR 352 International Relations in East and Central Africa
295 ISL 302 Research Methods
296 ISL 304 Islamic Studies and Orientalism
297 ISL 312 Exegesis of the Qur’an
298 ISL 313 Introduction to World Religions
299 ISL 330 Advance Study of Sawm and Hajj
300 ISL 332 Al-muamalat in the Shariah
301 ISL 339 Islamic Family Law
302 ISL 343 Introduction to Islamic Theology
303 ISL 355 Introduction to Tasawwuf
304 ISL 361 Islamic Philosophy
305 ISL 372 Islam in Nigeria
306 ISL 373 Islam in North Africa and Spain
307 ISL 374 Islamic Political Institutions
308 PCR 311 Philosophies and Great Personalities of Peace
309 PCR 312 Peace Research Methods
310 PCR 331 History of Conflicts in Nigeria
311 PCR 352 Sustainable Environmental Development
312 PCR 362 Urban Violence and Security
313 PCR 375 Lang & Information Mgt. in peace and Conflict Resolution
314 PCR 371 Third Party Intervention in Conflict Resolution
315 PCR 372 Introduction to Early Warning Mechanism
316 PCR 373 Demobilisation, Disarmament and Reintegration
317 POL 301 Research Methodology in Political Science
318 POL 311 Contemporary Political Analysis
319 POL 312 Logic and Methods of Political Inquiry
320 POL 315 Thoery and Practice of Marxism
321 POL 316 Political Evaluation
322 POL 317 Public Policy Analysis
323 POL 318 Political behaviour
324 POL 322 Comparative Federalism
325 POL 324 Politics of Development & Underdevelopment
326 POL 337 Principles of Administrative Law
327 POL 341 Public Administration in Nigeria
400 Level
328 ARA 481 Arabic Literature II
329 ARA 483 Arabic Rhetoric
330 CSS 441 Technical/Electronics Aspects of Security
331 CSS 442 Professioal Ethics in Law and Security Management
332 CSS 432 Human Rights Provision in Nigeria
333 CSS 443 Traffic/Road Safety and Equipment
334 CSS 452 Victims of Crime and Human Rights Violations
335 CSS 455 Forensic Science
336 CSS 491 Emergency,Riot & Disaster Control Management I
337 CTH 412 Gospel of Mathew
338 CTH 413 Wisdom Literature
339 CTH 423 Comparative Ethics in Pluralistics Societies
340 CTH 422 Christology
341 CTH 432 Applied Ethics
342 CTH 441 West African Church History
343 CTH 471 Research Methods
344 CTH 472 Conflict Management
345 CTH 491 African Traditional Religion and Culture
346 ECO 431 Advanced Micro-Economics
347 ECO 442 Advanced Macroeconomics
348 ECO 448 Economic Planning II
349 ENG 411 English for Specific Purposes
350 ENG 414 Speech Writing
351 ENG 415 Literary Theory and Criticism
352 ENG 416 Creative Writing III
353 ENG 417 Postcolonial African Literature
354 ENG 421 New Trends in Syntax
355 ENG 423 Literature of The Romantic Period
356 ENG 426 Twentieth Century English Literature
357 ENG 432 Pragmatics
358 ENG 434 Literary Stylistics
359 ENG 453 Language and National Development
360 ENG 454 Multilingualism
361 ENG 491 Psycholinguistics
362 FRE 411 Introduction to Research
363 FRE 421 Advanced Studies in French Language Structures III
364 FRE 423 Linguistics Applied to The Teaching Of French
365 FRE 472 Francophone African Literature: Pre and Post Independence Poetry
366 FRE 481 19th Century French Literature
367 FRE 482 20th Century French Literature
368 INR 412 Foreign Policy of the great Powers
369 INR 431 International Relations of Francophone West Africa
370 INR 432 Afro-Asian Relations
371 ISL 402 Modern Reform Movements
372 ISL 412 Tafsir: The Exergesis of Selected passages of the Quran
373 ISL 415 Advanced Studies on the Quran
374 ISL 431 Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
375 ISL 432 Islamic Social System
376 ISL 433 The Concept and Practice of Islamic Banking
377 ISL 435 Textual Studies of Hadith
378 ISL 436 Islamic law of Wasiyyah and Waqf
379 ISL 437 Shariah in the Modem Time
380 ISL 438 Al-Mirath: Islamic Law of Succession
381 ISL 439 Al-Hudud-Penal Law of Shariah
382 ISL 451 Major Sufi Orders in Africa
383 ISL 471 Contribution of West African Scholars to Islamic Thought
384 ISL 472 Islams Contributions to Civilization
385 ISL 474 Islam Historiography
386 PRD 433 Children’s Literature
387 PCR 415 The Nature of Global Terrorism
388 PCR 417 International Relations and Security
389 PCR 419 International Politics of the Cold War 1945 – 1991
390 PCR 421 Internal Organization and Peace Building
391 PCR 422 Globalization and Peace
392 PCR 424 Governance, International Law and Fundamental Human Rights
393 POL 424 Political Parties and Pressure Groups
394 POL 431 Third World Dependency and Development
395 POL 441 Development Administration
396 POL 444 Nigerian Local Government
397 POL 452 International Law and Organisation
398 POS 411 Research Methods in Criminal Justice
399 MAC 411 Media Law and Ethics
400 MAC 412 Media Management
401 MAC 413 Data Analysis in Communication Research
402 MAC 414 Science and Technology Reporting
403 MAC 416 Sociology of Mass Communication
404 MAC 421 Advance Newpaper/Magazine Production
405 MAC 423 Bookpublishing & The Law
406 MAC 424 International Advertising and Propaganda
407 MAC 425 Public Relations in Practice
408 MAC 427 Economic and Social Issues in Advertising and Public Relations
409 MAC 428 Integrated marketing Communications
410 MAC 441 Documentary Film Production
411 MAC 442 Advanced Broadcasting News/Programme Production
412 MAC 443 Media Station Management and Operations
413 MAC 444 Broadcast Commentry and Announcing
700 Level
414 CSS 742 Policing and Law Enforcement in Nigeria
415 CSS 743 Principle of Security practice and Management
416 CSS 744 Security planning, Development and Organisation
417 CSS 745 Types and Analysis of Security Threat
418 CSS 753 Research Methods in criminology
419 CSS 755 Patterns and Trends of Crime in Nigeria
420 CSS 757 Contemporary Issues in Criminology and Security Studies
421 CSS 772 Criminal Justice Administration
422 CSS 774 Prison and correction Institutions in Nigeria
423 CSS 791 Emergency,Riot & Disaster Control Management I
424 CTH 701 Biblical Hermeneutics
425 CTH 702 Common Themes in Christianity and Islam
426 CTH 704 Religious Dialogue
427 CTH 713 Critical introduction to the Old Testament
428 CTH 714 Critical Introduction to the New Testament
429 CTH 715 Old Testament Theology
430 CTH 721 Systematic theology
431 CTH 722 Pastoral Theology
432 CTH 723 Liberation and Feminist Theologies
433 CTH 724 New Testament Theology
434 CTH 732 Christian Ethics in Contemporary Nigerian Society
435 CTH 742 Reformation
436 CTH 771 Research Methods in Christian Theology
437 CTH 792 Theology of African Traditional Religion
438 JLS 711 Introduction to Journalism
439 JLS 722 Publication Layout and Design
440 JLS 721 News Reporting
441 JLS 742 Fundamental of Broadcasting
442 JLS 732 Principles and Practice of Public Relations
443 JLS 712 Media Law and Ethics
444 JLS 713 Media and Society
445 JLS 714 Communication Research
446 JLS 716 Professional Project
447 JLS 724 Feature Writing
448 JLS 726 Speech Writing
449 JLS 731 Corporate Communications
450 JLS 732 Principles and Practice of Public Relations
451 PCR 711 Introduction to Peace Studies
452 PCR 712 Democracy and Good Governance
453 PCR 713 Introduction to Peace Education
454 PCR 714 Introduction to Conflict Resolution Processes II
455 PCR 715 Introduction to Conflict Resolution Processes I
456 PCR 716 Research Methods in Conflict Resolution
457 PCR 771 Third Party Intervention in Conflict Resolution
458 PCR 772 Concepts and Practice of Peace Building
800 Level
459 CTH 803 Interreligious Dialogue
460 CTH 812 Old Testament Theology of Pentateuch
461 CTH 813 Pauline Theology And Epistles
462 CTH 814 Biblical Criticism
463 CTH 815 Prophetic Books/Wisdom Literature
464 CTH 817 Gospels
465 CTH 821 African traditional Religious Mythology and Cosmology
466 CTH 826 Ecclesiology
467 CTH 841 Christianity and Colonialism in Nigeria
468 CTH 847 African Church Leaders
469 JLS 805(823) New Reporting
470 JLS 812 Media Law and Ethics
471 JLS 813 Media and Society
472 JLS 814 Communication Research
473 JLS 815(811) Advanced Theories in Mass Communication
474 JLS 822 Publication Layout and Design
475 JLS 824 Journalism Publications
476 JLS 825 Editorial Writing
477 JLS 826 Speech Writing
478 JLS 831 Corporate Communications
479 JLS 842 Introduction to Web Publishing
480 JLS 843 Elements of Multimedia: Theory and Practice
481 JLS 845 Issues in Communication Technology and Policy
482 PCR 811 Theories in Conflict Management
483 PCR 812 The Political Economy of Peace Building
484 PCR 813 Peace and Security in a Global Context
485 PCR 815 Peace Building and Humanitarianism
486 PCR 817 Theories of Peace Education and Conflict
487 PCR 819 Human Rights and Diplomacy
488 PCR 822 International Law and Peace
489 PCR 831 African Traditional Methods of Conflict Resolution
490 PCR 833 Ethnic Conflict and Resolution
491 PCR 851 Environmental Security and Conflict Resolution
492 PCR 872 Research Methods in Peace and Conflict Resolution
493 PCR 873 Arms Control and Dimilitarisation

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